ProGeorgia hosts 'Go Vote Georgia Advocacy' tour in Savannah

GEORGIA, (WTGS) — With elections coming up city and state elected officials were part of the Go Vote Georgia Advocacy tour to inform the public about laws that impact Georgians.

ProGeorgia is a coalition of 61 civic engagement and advocacy organizations serving underserved and underrepresented communities.

The organization is touring cities around the state of Georgia to provide communities with resources and information as it pertains to voter turnout, registering voters and keeping residents informed about state legislation matters and issues.

The organization's staff say the event is important because it allows residents to hear from their elected officials on some of the issues they should be aware of and how they can make a difference.

“Make their voices heard with their elected officials. For some that could be going to the state capitol and testifying in committee. For others that could be emailing or writing the elected officials. The ultimate goal is that we have citizens who are engaged with their elected officials, It’s a year-long process and regardless of whether you voted for your elected official or not, they hear from you, they know what your needs are and what you expect from them as an elected official,” said Adam Sweat, ProGeorgia Election Reform Director.

ProGeorgia partnered with Step-Up Savannah and Migrant Equity Southeast as part of their Savannah stop.

The tour will make stops in Albany and Columbus.


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The GoVoteGA Advocacy Tour is Underway!